Monday, February 2, 2009

What kind of a Tomboy are YOU?

There are 6 kinds of Tomboys:

1. Friends & Families:
- likes the idea of buying products for personal use at lower prices (20-30% off)
- sells to neighbors, relatives and friends through catalog orders and home parties

2. Short-term
- sells for a short period of time
- wants to earn a specified amount of money and stops when goal is reached

3. Hobby
- loves doing home parties and earning extra money when it's convenient
- works a lot some months, and less other months

4. Part-time
- part-time consultant who desires to make a specified and consistent monthly income to pay off their chosen bills, or to save money for a special event or goal (e.g. a wedding, vacation, home improvements & repairs, down-payment, college, etc.)

5. On-site Consultant
- works for a company with lots of employees
- makes it convenient for everyone to order
- earns extra income

6. Business Building Consultant
- views Tomboy Tools as a viable career path
- wants to move up the career ladder
- works at the business in a consistent and on-going manner - It's a real job!

We need all types of Consultants!
Which one would work best for you?

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