Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spring is in the Air

At last, the snow is starting to melt and the daylight hours are creeping later into the evening. Very rejuvenating! Makes a gal want to jump into the deep end with a reno!

An impromptu, yet mandatory one has happened at home with new eave vents, insulation, vapour barrier, drywall and inexpensive laminate flooring to my office. Now with a pale buttery-lemon wall colour, it's the brightest room in the house, even with it's single north-facing window! Hopefully help will be available tonight to move the furniture back in and I can get everything out of the dining room!

Chalk up another project on the experience list: I finally had a chance to put my Tomboy Tools 2.5" sash brush to good use, cutting and painting casing, baseboards, and 1/4 round trim. All I can say is WOW!!! My old favourite brush is now relegated to crappy jobs like staining outdoor wood, or the glue pot.