Sunday, November 2, 2008

And there went October

Time seems to be blurring. Our weather is turning down-right chilly, most of the leaves have fallen, and we've already had our first winter storm (complete with power outages). October was busy with new products being unveiled, sales of our exclusive engraved Breast Cancer hammer, promotion of our partnership with Habitat for Humanity, and Halloween. On that fun Friday, I unabashedly dressed up for my day-job office work as a landscaper! - wearing my Tomboy Tools kneepads, t-shirt, ballcap, canvas apron (loaded with our gardening tools), and carrying a watering can and a TT bucket with more fun tools and catalogues. There are SO many people that have never even heard of Tomboy Tools!

Oh, and did you happen to see our pink 13oz. hammer in Oprah's magazine?!?! Very nice.

Check out my website for more updates, photos, and the current specials.
