Thursday, March 26, 2009

Great $ savings for renovations!

It's a great time to buy your first home, improve your home with a renovation, or change the energy efficiency of your home. For information on how you can save money, the Canadian government has a number of places for information about these 3 great initiatives.

This is what you'll see on my husband's CASTOR RIVER WOODWORKS website for his custom kitchens and millwork business:

Now is the perfect time to renovation your home, make improvements for energy efficiencies, and buy your first home. Click on the links below to get information about the incentives available that will SAVE YOU MONEY when doing these home-related activities.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like some ideas on how to proceed.

Best of the day!
Karen D.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Major Update!!!

When I started my business as a consultant with Tomboy Tools I quickly took what knowledge I had and created a website for myself. I was pleased with my efforts - managed to keep it current and available for visitors.

Happy with the accomplishments made over the last year, I'm especially thrilled with the changes that are coming from a big step I took more recently. If you want to succeed, you must stretch yourself and learn! I've been reading, attending web seminars, learning new methods for running my business, and networking with hundreds of incredible women (many with their own small businesses). And now all kinds of wonderful things are popping out of the woodwork!

I find myself being invited to do Tool Parties and participate in events that I had never heard of before. Invitations are popping into my inbox asking me to attend special events where I'm meeting women that have founded remarkable internationally known companies (Heather Maclachlan (founder of Epicuria and 2007 Business Woman of the Year), Sandra Yancey (eWomen), Tracy Clark (Bridghead), and remarkable authors (like Roslyn Franken, author of The A List: 9 Guiding Principles for Healthy Eating and Positive Living), and ladies that have broken through the glass ceiling in technology (IBM, 8D, and others, with The Honourable Helena Guergis, Minister of State, Status of Women Canada).

With this evolution, I looked at my website and decided it didn't fit anymore. So I went to work and late last night I posted my new website at I love the new look, and can't wait to hear your comments.

Visit now, and return often as it will continue to expand with more great information for Tool Party Hostesses, customers, women looking for a new business opportunity, and new Tomboy Tools consultants.

See you on twitter, squidoo, facebook, and Ottawa Business!

Pick up a hammer, and let your pony tail fly!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

March has arrived, like a lamb

Bright sunny day, clear blue sky. Splendid! Even if the temperature has dropped below normal and spring seems a little further away.

Got an early start this morning so I can updating everthing: facebook, website, a couple of notes to Twitter, handy checklists for myself to improve customer service, and soon my blog.

Stay tuned!