Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Been thinking... about business, blogging, and balance

Thunder's getting closer. It's a dark, windy night after a record breaking hot & humid day. In MAY. Uncommon. The breeze blowing in the office window is fabulous, and the voice in my head is groaning about my lack of blog posts.

An ezine in my mailbox today reminded me of other articles I've read in the past about marketing, branding, creating a memorable persona, etc. So here I sit at my keyboard, trying not to fidget or walk to the kitchen for a snack (bad choice when you're in the middle of a successful diet), trying not to waste time ruminating over my online 'brand'.

If you're a mompreneur, maybe you've encountered my challenge too: wearing so many hats, being so many things to so many people, that the idea of defining yourself online with a set brand can be very daunting, yet an enviable goal. *sigh* you mean, I get to be just ONE character? *tensing* But which one????

Mom, wife, lover, nurse, chef, housewife, computer and electronic guru, bookkeeper, finance and insurance agent, business coach, Tomboy Tools Consultant, teacher, blogger, website designer, taxi driver, counsellor, egad the list goes on and on.

Who do I want to be?
Slim, yoga fit, well-rested, centred woman with wry wit, creative and practical outlook on life's adventures. Well-travelled, and looking forward to more travels, made possible from a successful online business and an ever growing Tomboy Tools business. Has time to stop and smell the sawdust, learning new DIY skills and sharing them with other interested women, is able to help mastermind groups find amazing solutions to interesting problems/challenges. Followed online, respected, and enjoyed. Not a caped hero, nor a Bob Villa or Jon Eakes, but a gal that others can look to for inspiration because 'if she can do it, then so can I'.

Now how do I take all that and distill it into my online persona?

Stay tuned. I'll get this thing figured out and sort out the purpose of my facebook page (do I really have to change to a 'fan' page?), twitter communications, blog, and website.

This years goal: SIMPLIFY.

And what do you think of this closing line: Keep your eyes on the nail!