Monday, October 22, 2007

My leap of faith

Welcome to my blog, where I'll attempt to chronicle my entrance into promoting knowledge and tools for women DIYers.

I recently decided to consider a 2nd job. Something to help pay off some bills, save up for my kids' education, and one day replace my aging van. I hoped for something meaningful, something I could do from home, and maybe it wouldn't eat up all my free time. [What am I saying? Free time! I'm a working mom.] I wasn't crazy about selling cosmetics, jewellery, nutrition-stuff, or kitchen wares, nor did I want to go heavily into debt to get started.

As luck would have it, I stumbled across Tomboy Tools. Serindipity was at hand. I asked alot of questions, made my decision, and signed up last week to be a home consultant for them. It just made so much sense: I've used tools for all kinds of projects & construction during my life, I like to share smart & clever solutions with people, and the very thought of getting my hands on tools that were designed by women, for women, made me giddy.

Here's a quote from their website: "Tomboy Tools is dedicated to empowering women, both in their pursuit of hands-on education as do-it-yourselfers and for those seeking to grow their incomes through a successful home-based business."

So now I'm getting myself organized with a business plan, handouts, hostess kits etc., and brushing up on my presentation skills, as I impatiently wait for my 'kit' to arrive. [Just one more sleep!] Now I REALLY know how the kids feel as Christmas approaches!

The first few parties will be "Tool School 101" to let me practice my presentation skills on my blessed friends and family (they've been such a support). From then on, "do-it-herself-ers" can join me to see these cool tools and basic home improvement repairs in action. You'll learn simple techniques and solutions, and gain the confidence needed to tackle a basic home improvement project on your own. (Workshops can look at basic tiling, basic drywall and plaster repair, leaky faucet and toilet repair, or basic woodworking and trim molding.)

Stay tuned for my next entry after the goodies arrive!

Karen D.

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